Random Thoughts

Just few random thoughts that come to my mind.... Is anyone listening?

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Location: Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom

A management consultant by profession; a human by nature. I listen to, read about and face new experiences in a typical day. As you do too. This blog is my expression of what I think of them. The views expressed in the blogs are personal and not associated with my current employer and/or assignment.

Friday 24 June 2016

No longer Great and not United!

On the whole a sad day for Britain which is no longer Great and no longer united! In a digital age where borders are fast disappearing, cross-border transactions are a norm, we chose to 'protect' our borders.

Ask the corner shop owner how he's impacted by the crop failure in Argentina; ask the small business owner how he's impacted by an uprising in another country and you would realise how tightly we are integrated with the world. These proponents of sovereignty and 'taking back control' need to realise how difficult it is to get behind the wheels, once you have stopped driving for a couple of years!

This is what happens when you give people living solely on benefits and child-care vouchers the right to decide your future - to those whose future is "where do I go for my next drink?". I don't remember who said this, but I do remember the words being "democracy is the costliest form of government" or something like that. It was proven true today in the UK. With democracy or referendum comes huge responsibility - the ability to judge each individual argument by its merit and make an informed (and not inebriated) choice. Sadly, the chimera prevailed over reason.

I hope, as the magnitude of the issue sinks in, the chimeral myth dispels to give rise to reason and a new desire to make us great again. We were Great once because of our naval superiority in the world; we quickly transformed that greatness into financial acumen. Now is the time to recast our greatness into realistic aspirations in an age where information rules supreme.

Existing from one of the world's largest market, banning entry for people who are keenly interested in earning money (and are not here for a free childbirth on the NHS's expenses) is a decision that at best is 'separatist' and discriminatory. If an economy has the capability to sustain migrant workers, it will continue to attract hard-working people from across borders. And they are here principally because someone local considers it demeaning to do the same job. The 'holier-than-thou' attitude can only work when 'thou' are around - precisely those who we are stopping from entry!

I'm not usually pessimistic, but the events of the day has really weighed me down. And if I - as an ordinary citizen - is affected this much, I wonder the fate of our leaders.

Here's to a better tomorrow, where we respect the individuality of our neighbours and learn to co-exist.