Random Thoughts

Just few random thoughts that come to my mind.... Is anyone listening?

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A management consultant by profession; a human by nature. I listen to, read about and face new experiences in a typical day. As you do too. This blog is my expression of what I think of them. The views expressed in the blogs are personal and not associated with my current employer and/or assignment.

Monday 18 December 2006

Internet Poems

I always thought of Internet as a place devoid of emotions (of the classic variety). To challenge my assumption, I googled for some 'classy' poems. And I was amazed! Here's one which I liked very much:

Have I Ever
by Ravenz23
Have I ever told you

that if I sit really still and silent,
sometimes. I like to think
I can hear your heart beating
in time with mine?

Have I ever told you
that when I watch you speak to me
through lines and cords,
and bytes and ram,
I imagine
your voice,
whispering into my ear?

Have I ever told you
that I wait out each day
in anticipation,
only an hour or two,
just a second in space and time,
to feel close to you?

Have I ever told you
that there has been times,
when I ached for you,
ached for you so badly,
that the emotions overwhelmed me..
and so I sat and cried?

Have I ever told you
that sometimes,
I will reach out,
touching your name
on this cold screen before me,
I could reach in
and pull you to me?

Have I ever told you
that after the first time I heard
the sound of your voice,
thousands of miles away,
I sat up all night,
turning the conversation over and over
in my mind,
examining it,
like some newly discovered species of flower?

Have I ever told you
that I would give everything up,
just for one night
to be able to lay near you,
to feel your chest rise and fall
with each breath you take,
just to know that you are real?

Have I ever told you
that I dream of you often,
I dream of you reaching out
and touching my hand,
simply to let me know
that you are there,
and everything is okay?

Have I ever told you,
have I still yet to tell you . . .
that I love you?

Wow! So Simple, and yet it stirred some unknown emotions in me. Too bad that I don't remember the URL. There were quite a number of good poems on that site.

RESOLUTION NO 2: I need to restart writing! And this time, something more than white papers and business solutions!



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