Random Thoughts

Just few random thoughts that come to my mind.... Is anyone listening?

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Location: Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom

A management consultant by profession; a human by nature. I listen to, read about and face new experiences in a typical day. As you do too. This blog is my expression of what I think of them. The views expressed in the blogs are personal and not associated with my current employer and/or assignment.

Monday 18 December 2006

First Post at Second Blog

The first post is always so difficult - be it my blog, or others'.

Well! technically this is NOT my first post. Couple of months ago, I had created a blog site for me - diligently posted on it for a few weeks, and then... lost my laptop, job, city and country - though not necessarily in the same order. But that was not the reason why I stopped blogging.

With the new year almost round the corner, I made a fresh resolution - to start blogging again. And here I am! Once more!

Plan to return back very soon.




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