Random Thoughts

Just few random thoughts that come to my mind.... Is anyone listening?

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Location: Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom

A management consultant by profession; a human by nature. I listen to, read about and face new experiences in a typical day. As you do too. This blog is my expression of what I think of them. The views expressed in the blogs are personal and not associated with my current employer and/or assignment.

Thursday 28 December 2006

Solva, Wales

Just returned from a three day vacation at Solva, Pembrokshire, Wales.

Why Solva? Dunno! Checked it on the Net. Found it to be an intriguing little village in Wales. Wanted to be away from the daily chores, and hustle and bustle of profession. And Solva - an unknown place in coastal Wales seemed an attractive enough place to be in.

Well the drive to Solva was ridden with fog and light drizzle - not that we were driving a convertible. But yet, not quite so welcoming. When we reached Solva, we were amazed at the rural ambience.

The next day, we headed towards St David - the nearest 'town'. We visited a medieval cathedral. The board mentioned it to be in use since last 1500 years!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the cathedral looked old from outside. Inside, it was very pristine and well kept. The priests were preparing for a Christmas eve mass. Got some couple of good pictures inside.

From the cathedral we headed to the coast. Lucky for us, the day was not cloudy and we did the entire coastline. It looked so serene with clear skies and deep blue sea. You could see different hues of blue in the sea. We reached an old chapel (forgot the name, though!) - another photo opp for me.

I'm still raw to blogging and do not know how to link pics in the blog. Hope I succeed this time.

The next day we went on foot in Solva - hit the harbour. But as it was low tided, so did not get much of a view there. And then Akshat had an accident - he twisted his ankle. With the result that I had to retrieve my car and ferry him home.

A much enjoyed and needed vacation definitely.



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